中文学校每周简讯 - 4月25日








Dear Chinese School Families,

Spring always makes a short visit to the northern country. So is our spring semester. We are in the count down mode with four classes left.

As usual, we will take pre-order of year book now. The cost is $3 per copy. Home parent of each class should take orders from parents of your class, and report number of orders to PTA chair Jian Xu before May 10th. Because of the rising cost of printing, we do not order extra year books than necessary. Please go through your classroom home parent to put in order in next two weeks.

The last day of school is May 17th, which starts in the morning with lunch gathering in cafeteria. Field day activities organized by youth team will take place in afternoon till around. Home parents of classrooms that plan to have lunch gathering need to reserve your lunch table through PTA chair Jian Xu.

I want to remind again that the school needs to be promptly closed at 4PM. All the culture classes need to dismiss no later than 3:40PM to allow parents and students enough time to wrap up and leave the school premise. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015