中文学校每周简讯 - 4月17日



这个周末, 4月19日, 是今年度绘画比赛作品提交的截止日期。请在作品背后贴上姓名标签,交给孙旭峰副校长。

最近校方开始和North Colonie School District商议下个学年的校舍租赁条款、租金。根据租约,哪怕有一个人4点后滞留学校,租方也会根据拖延时间增加费用。再次强调一下,各位家长第三节课下课后请及时离开学校,尤其不要在体育馆逗留。希望以后我不需要每次借道体育馆离开学校。




Dear Chinese School Families,

The annual health fair attracted record medical practitioners and physicians to the school last Sunday. I’d like to thank all the volunteers who have help in many ways during this event, particularly a group of students from Albany Medical School. They all sacrificed almost a day of their personal time to help the local communities despite their busy schedules. Through events like this, we hope to bring more service to our fellows and communities.

A special thanks goes to our dear school parents, Qun Lu, Yuping Sun and a few other parents who have help prepare the food, setup the food concession during the health fair event. The total raised fund amounts to ~$240 that signifies the great support our parents have always provided in every school activities. A big thank you to all the parents who have lent a hand.

We continue to accept art works until this Sunday. Please submit your works to Vice Principal Xufeng Sun. A name label is needed for identification.

Lastly, I want to remind each of you that the school needs to be promptly closed at 4PM. Please do not linger in the gym or any other area inside the facility. Otherwise additional charge will incur even there might be just a single person. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015