中文学校每周简讯 - 11月28日




1.      期末安排


2.      青少年义工团活动 11月29日Regional Food Bank of Northeastern

我们的青少年义工团员们将会进行一年一度的Food Drive或“冬令救济”活动。你的参与将会使义工团的工作更加出色,请大家积极响应。具体时间地点如下:
地点:Regional Food Bank of Northeastern
965 Albany Shaker Road, Latham NY 12110
时间:11/29th Saturday 10AM to 12PM
联系人: Ryan Guo (rguo98@gmail.com) 或Jeffrey Shen (jeffshen321@yahoo.com)

3.      教室整洁与秩序

最近一段时间绝大部分教室都能保持整洁,这和大家的自觉和努力是分不开的,谢谢你们的合作。同时有一个比较普遍的现象,我想引起大家的注意,以便更好的解决问题。一楼的教室据Shaker School反映,桌椅常常没有恢复整齐或到原位。这会让负责清洁的工作人员化更多的时间整理,常常他们就不能准时(5点)下班,因此带来的费用都由中文学校承担,长此以往会变成一个大问题。二楼的教室基本不存在这样的情况。一个可能的解释是因为一楼教室开有语言和文化两门课,一间教室会有两批学生使用。这就要求我们在使用教室时格外小心注意,因为如果语言课结束后教室没有复原,那么文化课的学生只能将错就错了。希望大家相互理解,把教室维护的更加整洁有序,尤其是语言课的学生和家长,请你们离开教室去上文化课前抓紧时间把教室整理一下,就会避免不少问题。





Dear Chinese School Families,

What a snow decorated Thanksgiving! I hope you all stay warm and inside with your family, unless you have kids like mine who like to play in the snow all day long.

I’d like to remind you that there is no Chinese school this Sunday. When you are enjoying the long weekend either with your family or friends, please think of our teachers who have devoted a lot of their personal time and effort into the teaching role. We should be all grateful to them who, as a crucial part of the Chinese School, provide a dependable source of knowledge, inspiration, encouragement, and are surely role models for our kids to learn from. We can show our appreciation in many ways. Simply helping your kids complete the homework is a good way to support the teachers. As Christmas is approaching, a card or contribution toward a classroom gift for the teachers is another way to say thank you from bottom of your heart. The home parents may have already started to collect gift donations. If so, thank you for staying one step ahead of me.

1.      Last Day of School and Year End Celebration Party
There are only two sessions left for this semester. The session on December 7th is a regular one. The session on December 14th is the last day of school this year. As a tradition, there will be a New Year celebration party held at the auditorium. School on the last day starts from 10AM and ends by 11:30AM. Award ceremony and celebration will begin around12:45PM. For lunch, classes of 5th grade or lower will have tables reserved without request while classes of 6th grade or higher should send in table request to PTA Chair Jian Xu. The Vice Principal Xiaoqing Zhang has already begun to collect list of programs to be performed by our students up to 5th grade. The final program agenda will be available to you once it is finalized.

2.      Youth Team Volunteer Activity on 11/29th at Regional Food Bank of Northeastern
For the food drive organized by Youth Team, they can still use a few extra hands. Please sign up to support the Youth Team who is representing Chinese Community in Albany region.
When: 11/29th Saturday 10AM to 12PM
Where: Regional Food Bank of Northeastern, 965 Albany Shaker Road, Latham NY 12110
What: Indoor event, organize and categorize non-perish food
Contact: Ryan Guo (rguo98@gmail.com) or  Jeffrey Shen (jeffshen321@yahoo.com)

3.      Classroom Cleanliness and Order
Most of the classrooms have been in good shape in general recently. Thanks to every one of you for keeping up the good work. If there is anything I’d like to bring to your attention, it is the responsibility that all the tables, chairs, equipment need to be returned to their original positions. The classrooms on first floor have a common problem that the tables and chairs are not positioned back to their initial locations. Part of the reason is probably because there are both language and culture classes in these classrooms. If the classrooms are not returned to original state during the 10-minute break after the language class, it is much harder for the students of the culture classes using the same classrooms to position all the tables and chairs correctly after usage. It does not sound like a big issue now but it can become one if happening a few more times. To help mitigate this issue, we need the language classes on first floor to pay more attention to classroom order and make sure tables and chairs are returned correctly after the language classes. The culture classes need to make sure classrooms are in good order since you are the last guard.

Thanks for your attention. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Feng Chen
CCC Chinese School 2014-2015